It is an age old problem: Sound system designers with only a distant familiarity with acoustics "design" a nightclub.
Experience is good teacher. Bad experience is the best teacher. Fortunately, our experience was gained through correcting problems in installations that were originally designed by others. The Paradise Garage is a good example. Our company's expertise came from our early research with our own acoustical measurement products, such as the Acoustilog Reverberation Timer and the Acoustilog Impulser. We did not simply proclaim ourselves to be "acoustical consultants".
There are acoustical companies with more employees and companies that have been in existence for a longer time (we've been around since 1976). But as the sole acoustical consultant at Acoustilog, Alan Fierstein has worked on every one of the thousands of jobs we have done. No acoustical consultant offering these services has as much practical experience. No other consultant has designed his own test equipment that is so unique, other consultants purchase it.
When there is a problem that others cannot solve, we get called in. From a club owner's perspective, this is throwing good money after bad. We advise that we be involved in the beginning so the work doesn't have to be done twice, and that the club opens with the greatest chance of success.
We are the company to call if you want to avoid problems with neighbors and Community Boards. Our experience working for both clubs and residential neighbors has shown us what needs to be done to head off bad experiences for both. Our philosophy is simple: A club that is the best possible neighbor to the community will make more money and will have a less stressful working environment. We have successfully gotten large club projects such as Spirit, Crowbar, Aquarium and Limelight approved at the Community Boards. More information can be found on our Bar, Restaurant & Club Noise and Expert Witness Testimony pages
Restaurant and club owners may want to read about our successful work on behalf of a restaurant space in a dispute with the condo board of their building.
See: Ellenberg
A list of some of our other club clients can be found here.
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