There are many sources of noise in residential areas, especially in multiple dwellings and mixed-use buildings. Some of these are caused by the residents themselves, including noise from Stereos, TVs, loud
DEP came but
found no violation?
Click here.
voices, footsteps and exercise machines.
Measurements, like statistics, can be used improperly. Click here to see how this can affect you.
Mechanical equipment such as air conditioning units, fans and blowers, pumps and elevators is another common source of noise. [Read about a recent case]
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The operation of a commercial business in a residential building, especially one that operates at night such as a bar/restaurant or gym, frequently requires special sound isolation measures.
What about
intermittent noise?
Read about our
Recording System. We can help with all of these problems. The first step is to identify the source of the noise, which is often something other than what the client thinks it is. The next step is to measure the noise. The third step is to determine the transmission paths between the source and the listener.
We will then write a report to document the problems and provide detailed recommendations to fix them. We can work with your contractor or recommend one to you who is experienced in this type of work.
In code compliance cases we can determine if the noise is within legal limits. If it is not, our report can be a powerful bargaining chip to convince the building management (or the owner of the noise source) to correct the problem. Should they remain unwilling to do so, we can provide expert witness testimony in court on your behalf.
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Perhaps you think your problem is unusual? Even unsolvable? You might be surprised. Our Job Types page has a sampling of the kinds of problems we have tackled in the past. Some might even give you a chuckle
Please visit our Testimonial Letters page, which includes letters from Residential Clients.
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