(212) 925-1365 19 Mercer Street, New York, NY

Testimonial Letters

"We won!", forced Coop board to take action.


It's been confirmed that both apts are removing their duct systems and putting in the quieter units. So we won!

Sure doesn't exactly feel like winning after 12 yrs, 24/7, summer and winter. Talk about protracted struggle! It was all the Board's fault; their dozen year incompetence of lying and learning nothing. So, I guess that's the (hopefully) end of this story/issue for us. I wouldn't be surprised if another arises in the future! Thanks again , Alan. You are a brilliant, kind person. All the best to you and your family.

Landlord thanks Acoustilog for helping to win case re: dog kennel noise.

On 1/17/2025 6:26 PM, david habif wrote:

Thank you for helping us out with the case, you were amazing.


David Habif

Habif Real Estate

Client says "Thank you so much for the brilliant solution"

Alan Fierstein represents restaurant owner at DEP hearing, helps get serious violation dismissed

Attorney thanks Alan Fierstein for "well-crafted", "accurate", "persuasive" testimony.

February 27, 2017

19 Mercer Street
New York, New York, 10013
Attention: Alan Fierstein
Re: Acoustilog

Dear Alan:

As you no doubt recall, Acoustilog was retained to assist us in a trial of a claim of professional malpractice against a law firm, where one of the primary issues was whether or not the law firm committed malpractice by failing to retain an acoustics expert in a matter involving complaints of noise from a neighboring apartment.

Your testimony in the matter was well crafted, articulately presented and, ultimately, very persuasive. It was clear to me that you were well prepared and that your expertise in the area of the measurement of noise and the New York City Noise Code is extremely impressive. Try as they may, opposing counsel was unable to shake your testimony on cross examination. This is an indication not only of the breadth of your knowledge, but of your skill as a witness.

As you know, the jury returned a verdict in our client’s favor. While it is impossible to say whether your testimony determined the verdict, the post-verdict feedback that we received from members of the jury indicated that they were favorably impressed by your testimony. It is clear to us that your testimony, at the very least, contributed to the favorable result for the client. Thank you for your efforts on our client’s behalf.

Maurice W. Heller

No one else could find the noise, including another consulting company.

February 9, 2011

To Whom lt May Concern:

This is a transcript. The original scanned letter is available on our desktop site
Several apartments on widely different floors of our building were experiencing an unusual noise that was frustrating the owners. We first called in a large acoustical consulting firm who, using sophisticated sound meters, could not find the source of the noise, because it was coming out of the floors, walls, and ceilings.

We then called Acoustilog. Al Fierstein came to the building, and after several visits where the noise didn't occur, he was able to find the source of the sound. He did this not by using conventional sound meters, but by measuring the "time" it took for the sound to get to various locations, and then "triangulating" back to the source, which was inside a wall where we had never suspected.

On Al’s advice, we opened up the wall and staring us in the face was the source of the noise. Al gave us a simple remedy on what to do to fix it and it worked perfectly The residents are ecstatic and so are we; and we highly recommend it.

Nicholas Veikos
Executive Vice President
60 Columbus Circle
New York, NY 10023

"First person to take our situation seriously"

Dance studio got a DEP re-test and passed.

Cooling tower now "barely audible"

Client had to convince Board that upstairs neighbor's children created a nuisance with excessive noise.

Roof fan noise fixed, two tenants happy.

A "heartfelt thank you". Elevator noise "... no longer an issue."

Acoustilog's report "had an impact", Co-Op board looking into elevator noise remediation as a result

"... never had another complaint"

Dance studio got a DEP re-test and passed.

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Client won harassment case with help from expert testimony by Alan Fierstein, including playback of calibrated recordings in court.

Read excerpts from judge's decision.
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A client's thanks for helping him "stand his ground" in dispute with builder. Insufficient sound isolation was rectified at builder's expense and builder reimbursed client for the consultation fees.

This is a transcript. The original scanned letter is available on our desktop site

H. Eric Steibl

Wednesday, .January 03, 2007

Dear Alan
Happy Holidays! I also wanted to express my sincere thanks for everything you’ve done.

To Whom It May Concern:

About 6 months ago, I moved into a new condo. Shortly after I moved in, I discovered I had a problem when I could hear my next-door neighbor’s conversations! It was bad enough that I could hear my neighbor talking, it was worse that I heard her stereo 24hrfday. I called Al Fierstein of Acoustilog for his expert opinion - it was the best thing I ever did. He conducted some sound tests and discovered that the walls of my new condo were basically “below code”. Al made some suggestions on how to deal with the Builder/Developer to get them to rectify the problem. After a few months of protracted Wrangling with the Builder, I was inclined to give in to the Builder’s solution - which was far less than Al’s recommendations. I have to hand it to Al - he demanded that I stand my ground and not give in to the Builder. He made suggestions on how to increase the pressure on the Builder, until they finally gave in to my demands. The work has now been completed - at the Builder’s expense. Throughout this arduous process, Al stood by me and offered his help. He was always prompt to return my many phone calls and emails - I know I got more than my money’ s worth! Al was well worth the expense of his consultations. Besides, we also got the Builder to reimburse me for Al’s expense!

Thank you again
H. Eric Steibl

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A client's thanks for expert witness testimony in a noise case. Click for full text of Judge's decision, including quotes from Alan Fierstein's testimony.

This is a transcript. The original scanned letter is available on our desktop site

July 31, 2008

Alan Fierstein, President

19 Mercer Street
New York, NY 10013

Dear Alan:

Thank you so much for your assistance in measuring and diagnosing my sound problem, and thank you especially for your expert testimony in court. If I have any chance to alleviate the problem it will be in large part to you!

Your testimony was terrifically interesting; we were all transfixed as you laid out the facts for the court. I really enjoyed hearing you. I was especially gratified that you addressed the issue of the low-frequency rumble, which I was hearing but despaired of articulating and convincing anyone else of its existence.

I will not hesitate to seek your help if any situation in the future requires expert consultation.

Blanche Paul

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Our client had a contractor "soundproof" a wall, but it didn't work. Using Acoustilog's report and Alan Feierstein's testimony, the client was awarded a judgment against the contractor.

This is a transcript. The original scanned letter is available on our desktop site

May 18, 2013

Mr. Alan Fierstein President
Acoustilog Inc.
19 Mercer Street
New York NY 10013

I reflected on Thursday evening’s hearing in Small Claims Court. I want to share with you my observations and thoughts as you were a key element and component of the evening. I am glad I followed my gut instinct and asked you to come as an expert witness. I felt more secure having you at my side. Your advice and coaching while we were waiting to appear before the Arbitrator made it for a more coordinated and efficacious testimony.

I certainly prepared for the hearing and gathered as much evidence as I could think of. Your report was the instrumental part of the documentation. It’s called "piece de resistance" in French. I was relieved that the Arbitrator accepted it as evidence. I thought she was very good, and grasped the issue in front of her quickly.

I felt your presence impressed and was appreciated by the Arbitrator. It seemed that she was relieved to know who you were. My point in going through the motion of appearing in Small Claims Court was to try to demonstrate and show to [the contractor] that they made mistakes and due to the mistakes they made, their soundproofing method did not work. Your report clearly delineated that, but they had doubt in their minds. You demonstrated very clearly and convincingly what was wrong and how it could have worked. There was a healthy dialogue between you and the Arbitrator, and you and the general manager of [the contracting company]. I was the claimant, but you were there to spell out the faults in the construction of the intended soundproof wall. You made everything more real and realistic, thanks to your proven scientific knowledge, you were the voice of authority in the room, I think, to a certain extent [the contractor] appreciated it too, willy-nilly.

I am happy quite innocently I made the comment about the air space and you said to me: "I have to correct you on this." It showed my ignorance. I have no problem with that because it was the reason why I thought you should accompany me to the hearing. By correcting me it gave you the opportunity to prove to the Arbitrator and to [the contractor] that you are objective and tell the truth. You have no hidden agenda. We strived to put across [to the contractor] and convince the Arbitrator of, the legitimacy of my claim. It's now out of our control. I’ll let you know the decision of the Court. You missed the joy to attend your son’s game. No amount of money can replace that joy. I consider you more than a reliable business acquaintance; I consider you as a valued business friend

Very sincerely,
[Names of client and contractor withheld by request]

Note: Our client was awarded a judgment against the contractor.

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Comments from an attorney.

This is a transcript. The original scanned letter is available on our desktop site

Warshaw, Burstein, Cohen Schlesinger & Kuh
July 24 2006

Mr. Alan Fierstein
Acoustilog, Inc.
19 Mercer Street
New York, New York 10013

Dear Al:

I very much appreciated your prompt attention to our matter and your very helpful suggestions. Knowing that I could use you as a witness and bearing in mind what you had told me, I was able to take a much stronger position in the settlement discussions than would otherwise have been possible.
Thank you also for treating our client fairly.
I enclose my firm’s check in payment of your bill.

Robert P. Wittes

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A successful resolution to a neighbor noise problem.

This is a transcript. The original scanned letter is available on our desktop site

August 20, 2004

To Whom lt May Concern,

My husband and I recently bought a large Soho loft. Two days alter the purchase, we were waking around, planning our new home when the floors and walls began to shake. Our new downstairs neighbor, it turned out, had a massive sound system, much of it in the ceiling (=our floor) and the noise was depressingly deafening.

Through our lawyer, we contacted Alan Fierstein who came over, listened, consulted with our General Contractor and gave us a solution. It involved lead sheeting and extra layers of plywood, but, a month later when we had a sound test, the place was utterly silent. Our neighbor turned his hideous system up full blast and we couldn’t hear a thing

So, this is an unconditional recommendation for Mr., Fierstein’s line services. Also he was nice, and answered our questions promptly and professionally.

Thanks. Deborah and Jason McManus

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This residential customer thanks us for helping her "get her life back" .

This is a transcript. The original scanned letter is available on our desktop site


Dear Al,

You know I can't thank you enough for what you did. When Beatrice (Lesser) and I left court last July after your testimony she said to me, “AI just won the case." And so you did and here I sit under my brand new soundproof ceiling. The ceiling was finished mid-November. lt is mid-December and I have had a month of peace and quiet and I've begun to get my life back. Thank you.

I don't know if you remember this but in court, in the middle of your testifying, the landlord's lawyer asked the judge for a delay on the grounds that if he had known that our expert (you) was such an expert he would have studied more! That certainly provided a good laugh for everyone including the judge. But the truth is, not only are you an “such an expert' in regard to sound, your expertise in the law and building construction knocked their socks off, mine, too. Thank you.

The design and plans you made for my ceiling were so clear and so complete that Mr. Museo (my landlord's construction person), having never done a soundproof ceiling before had no problem doing a tine job. Thank you.

Your light-handed intelligent way of dealing with people made what had been and could have continued to be an horrendous situation. an almost easy one, Thank you.

My best wishes to you always, Al.

Gratefully -
Nada Severdija

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Residential customer says "You are the very best!"

Testimonial Letter
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NY City Council Member Gennaro thanks Alan Fierstein for his testimony re: the new Noise Code. Read More

This is a transcript. The original scanned letter is available on our desktop site

The Council of the City of New York


District Office Address
185-10 Union Turnpike
Fresh Meadows, NY 11366

Environmental Protection

February 8, 2005

Alan Fierstein, President
I9 Mercer Street
New York, NY 10013

Dear Mr. Fierstein:

l would like to thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to present your testimony at the noise hearing held by the Environmental Protection Committee on January 26th. You voiced legitimate concerns and I am committed to do whatever I can to be mindful of these issues.

I look forward to an ongoing partnership with you and keeping you engaged in the process, Please feel free to contact my office if I can ever be of assistance to you.

James F. Gennaro

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Advice successful, "racket" gone.

Pump & piping replaced, now "not a peep!"

Co-op Board replaces antiquated boiler after Acoustilog noise tests

Ventilation system that "shook light fixtures" now quiet

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Boiler Pump Noise Gone

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On the following job we were able to help the client avoid a fine and solve some other noise problems in their building.

This is a transcript. The original scanned letter is available on our desktop site


August 21 . 2003

Acoustilog, Inc.
Alan Fierstein
19 Mercer Street
New York. NY 10013

Dear Al:

I would like to thank you for the assistance you have given us with the acoustic issues in the building. First, with regard to the top floor exhaust noise violation. your letter detailing the mistakes made by the DEP Inspectors was presented at the Environmental Control Board hearing. The hearing officer’s decision stated that the DEP “failed to utilize the mandatory measuring procedures set forth in this Section", and both violations were dismissed.

Second. the recommendations provided by you for the 3'° floor chiller pump noise problem have been taken. The noise and vibration is now gone, and I have not received any further complaints.

In addition your dealing with various diverse personalities in each situation was done in a most professional manner and helped to speed the resolution of both situations.

Thank you again for your help

Very truly yours
Jay Sternlieb

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This is a letter from a client of ours who runs a Karate School (Dojo). They called us because noise from their classes was disturbing other tenants in the building.

This is a transcript. The original scanned letter is available on our desktop site

Ken Zen Institute Ltd.
54 Thomas Street
New York, NY. 10013

May 16, 2001

Mr. Alan Fierstein President
Acoustilog Inc.
19 Mercer Street.
New York NY 10013

Dear Mr. Fierstein

This is to inform you that our Dojo is now in the operation without any problems They don't even know when we are practicing. That means operation was very successful. I truly appreciate for your great professional consultation to this matter. I thank you from the bottom of my heart

Daniel Ebihara

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Here is an email from a customer about a ceiling we designed, and a contractor we recommended.

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More E-Mails from residential customers.

A client thanks us in a case involving a proposed open air schoolyard and playground

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Dog barking problem solved, neighbors still on good terms.

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Customer's son disturbed downstairs neighbors even though his "drums" were electronic pads. The stomping and pounding went right through the floor, until a contractor implemented our recommendations.

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Three operators of commercial establishments (a hotel, a dance club and a hospitality management company) write to thank Acoustilog for helping them with noise problems as well as Community Board and State Liquor Authority approvals.

This is a transcript. The original scanned letter is available on our desktop site



Re: Acoustilog Services for Liquor license Application with the Community Board

To whom it may concern,
On February 2010, we used Acoustilog services for the liquor license application for our hotel in SoHo. Al Fierstein from Acoustilog came to Inspect our property and issued a detailed report which helped the community understand the acoustical situation and helped us In minimizing future noise problems. Al also joined us to the community board meeting and explained his report to the board and the community. The SoHo is one of the most difficult communities in Manhattan and Al's research and recommendations helped us in getting our four licenses.

Liron Gur
Project Coordinator

This is a transcript. The original scanned letter is available on our desktop site

XL Dance Bar
510 West 42" St
New York, New York

To whom it may concern:

I would highly recommend Alan Fierstein and Acoustilog to anyone that is serious about finding real solutions to sound problems.

As a member of Community Board Four for seven years it was always reassuring that the applicant before us was serious about controlling sound if they used Acoustilog and Mr. Fierstein.

I have also used his services in the many nightlife projects I have been involved in. His knowledge and experience in sound proofing is far and away above anyone else I have experienced.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at johnblairp@ aol .com

John Blair
President Xl Dance Bar

This is a transcript. The original scanned letter is available on our desktop site

Hotels, Restaurants, Lounges

To Whom it May Concern

18th May 2010

Dear Sir/ Madam.

Re: Al Fierstein (Acoustilog, Inc.]

The ONE Group is a hospitality company operating restaurants, lounge & bar operations across the USA. including ten venues In New York City. Most of our venues are located within contentious areas and so, whenever we need acoustic work undertaken, whether it be for sound proofing, insulation or presentations no Community Boards. our preferred choice is Al Fierstein. Al always responds quickly to our calls and understands what is necessary to find the balance between the needs of the community and our needs as operators. I would have no hesitation in recommending AI’s services for any acoustic work or presentations to Community Boards.

Yours faithfully,
Jonathan A. Segal

Project studio owner who had previously been "taken in" by sales hype for ineffective acoustic materials says he'd have saved "one hell of a lot of money, time and aggravation" if he had called Acoustilog first.

This is a transcript. The original scanned letter is available on our desktop site

David Kincaid
http: / /www.hauntedfieldmusic.com

December 22, 2007

Al Fierstein - Acoustilog
19 Mercer Street
New York, NY 10013

To Whom It May Concern,

I am a veteran artist and producer/engineer with a small studio (and I mean small 9’ 9”W x 8' 5” D x 8’ 11”) in an old Manhattan apartment building. I found that after properly soundproofing the floor and ceiling the room acoustics were atrociously bad. The standing waves were severe, making the low frequencies extremely dominant and/or uneven, therefore making the room unworkable for judging sound on any level or for any purpose, be it recording tracks or mixing.

This led me to the internet where I was taken in by the claims of a company (which shall remain nameless) that markets and sells “acoustic foam,” which, according to their marketing, will cure all your acoustical problems. The more of this stuff l bought - at the recommendations of one of their “experts” - the more frustrated l became as there were simply no discernible results. This is especially true of their very expensive foam bass-traps, which simply DO NOT WORK!!

Finally. after a lot of expense and several consultations with this company’s “expert,” I was told by this same fellow that I should bring in an acoustical engineer. This is where Al Fierstein entered the scene. He came in with his extensive experience and very sophisticated equipment, took some readings, then told me very calmly that the first thing that had to happen was the removal of most of the foam, especially the big foam bass-traps, as all they were doing was dulling down the mids and highs and actually making the room response all the more uneven. He then made recommendations on an EQ and proper positioning and mounting for the monitors, along with the proper materials (which, by the way, he does not sell) and manner of application for genuine acoustic treatment.

l can only say that the results were immediate, phenomenal, extremely effective and palpable to even the layman (my wife could not believe the difference in sound). Had I gone to. Al in the first place, I would have saved myself one hell of a lot of money, time and aggravation. lf anyone out there finds themselves in a similar position, the best thing they could do is contact Acoustilog, and then follow Al’s recommendations to the letter. ’

David Kincaid
Haunted Field Music

Studio owner "would never use anyone else to tune again."

College instructor thanks Al Fierstein for a presentation given to an acoustics class.

Another college professor "praises" Acoustilog for the usefulness and longevity of the Acoustilog Reverberation Timer

Letter from a recent client for whom we did acoustic work as well as sound system troubleshooting and repair.

This is a transcript. The original scanned letter is available on our desktop site


November 5, 2002

Mr. Alan Fiersten
Acoustilog, Inc.
19 Mercer Street
New York, NY 10013

Dear Mr. Fierstein,

I wanted to take this opportunity to drop you a brief note thanking you for all your assistance in remedying the problems with our auditorium sound and ventilation systems. Your solutions to our problems were inventive, but more importantly they worked. Our students and faculty can not believe the improvement in the room’s general sound quality.

Once again, thank you for your assistance.

William I. Fox
Associate Dean of Administration and Finance

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Acoustilog, Inc.: Gyms, Fitness Studios and Dance Studios

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