Television & Radio Appearances
- February 5th, 2024 "SoundProofist" Interview
Alan Fierstein is interviewed on the topic of noise and vibration. Watch here
- March 18th, 2022 NPR Radio Podcast
The Pulse: "Noise Annoys". Reporter Jad Sleiman follows Alan Fierstein around for a day on several noise jobs. Listen Here (segment starts at 35:30)
- January 25th, 2020 AM970 Radio
Eye on Real Estate with Dottie Herman Conversation about Noise Problems. Click to listen.
- January 2020 - "Larry's Garage" by Corrado Rizza
Alan Fierstein of Acoustilog appears in this documentary film about the Paradise Garage Nightclub
- July 17, 2018 - NBC-4 TV -I Team
Noisy NYC Bars Avoid Fines 99 Percent of the Time.
New Yorkers fed up with noisy nightlife have the odds stacked against them when filing complaints about loud bars and clubs. Click to watch the program.
- April 22, 2017 - AM970 The Answer Radio - Eye on Real Estate with Dottie Herman
Radio discussion about noise problems in NYC real estate
- September 10, 2016 - UPN9 - Inside Edition
Noise at US Open Tennis Stadium After New Roof is Installed.
- July 28, 2014 - CBS-2 - CBS Evening News
Summer Concerts Have Some NJ Residents Yelling 'Turn It Down'.
- February 04, 2014 - WNYC - The Brian Lehrer Show
Coping with NYC's Noise.
Listen to the show.
- November 9, 2011 - CBS-TV New York
Measuring "Occupy" Drum Sounds: Alan Fierstein, Acoustical Consultant
- 2010 - Fuji TV (Japan)
"Tokudane" (Morning News Show)
- June 17th 2010 - American Morning: CNN
Vuvuzela Noise: Alan Fierstein: Acoustical Consultant
- April 2010 - New York on the Clock PBS Thirteen
Interview: Alan Fierstein: Acoustical Consultant.
Watch Video.
- May 1st, 2009 - Soundcheck with Jon Schaefer (WNYC Radio Show)
Sound Off: Urban Noise.
Listen to the show.
- August 20th, 2008 - Marketplace (Radio Show)
Soundproofing the Noisy Kids Upstairs.
Listen to the show.
(Note: Acoustilog does not necessarily agree with all of the opinions expressed in the program)
- October 21st, 2007 - 8:30 am "Open House NYC", TV Interview & Demonstration re: Common Noise Problems in NY City.
NBC 4 TV / Lifestyle Television

- July, 2007 "On the QT", Radio Interview re: N.Y. City's new Noise Code.
Q102 Radio, Dublin, Ireland. Host: Scott Wilkins
Play Audio (mp3)
- 2005 "Sounds Like Noise" Dir.: Skip Duff.
Documentary about noise problems distributed with the 2005 feature film "Noise".
- 3/05 Bar Noise in Tribeca- Noise Expert

- 9/03 Subway Announcements Get Worse"- Noise Expert

- 4/03 Fox 5 Problem Solvers
Testing allegedly high-quality home stereo speakers

- 3/03 Talk Show: "Street Talk"
Nightclub Safety

- 2/03 Fire Safety & Soundproofing Materials
Regarding the role of "soundproofing foam" in the Providence R.I. nightclub fire.

- 2/03 Live Interview re: Providence Nightclub Fire
WSAR Radio, Warwick, MA
- 2/03 How safe are New York City clubs? Marcia Kramer investigates.
Regarding the role of "soundproofing foam" in the Providence R.I. nightclub fire.

- 5/02 Subway Announcements: Intelligibility

- 4/02 Fan Noise

- 11/93 "Love Thy Neighbor"- Noise Expert

- 2/93 "Noise" - Acoustic Consultant
BBC News Special
Articles and Lectures
- 4/22/2023: "How to Avoid Noise Complaints"
Lecture: Responsible Hospitality Institute
RHI Sociable City Summit
Alan Fierstein: Speaker.
- 2/29/2016: "What's That Sound?"
Workshop: Responsible Hospitality Institute
Noise issues involving nightlife venues
Alan Fierstein: Speaker.
- 1/27/2016 Lecture: "Noise Issues in Cooperatives and Condominiums"
NY State Bar Association Continuing Eductation Seminar
Real Property Law Section
Committee on Condominiums and Cooperatives
- 4/5/2015 Article: "New Season, New Studio, New Sound" Author: Alan Fierstein
- 11/18/14: "Effectively Resolve Your Co-op/Condo Disputes - The Mediation Solution"
Panel discussion Hosted by Tarter, Krinsky & Drogin, LLP, sponsored by Council of NY Cooperatives and Condominiums and City Bar Co-op Condo Residential Dispute Resolution Program.
Alan Fierstein of Acoustilog was one of the presenters, discussing noise issues.
- 10/14: "Acoustics: Compliance & Design"
Lecture for architects hosted by Aronson Floor Coverings.
Alan Fierstein: Speaker.
- 9/11 Lecture on Acoustics
NYU Steinhardt - Music Technology Program
Read a letter of thanks from Langdon Crawford, NYU Advisor and Instructor
- 7/10 Webinar: "Strategies to Reduce Nightlife Noise in Mixed-Use Districts"
Responsible Hospitality Institute
- 03/07 Lecture: "Sound and Noise"
Air Conditioning Contractor's Ass'n, NY Chapter Meeting
- 11/97 NY Audio Engineering Society Meeting
Panelist and Demonstrations: Acoustic Design
- 4/96 Guest Panelist - Acoustic Design
Society of Professional Recording Studios (SPARS)
- 2/91 Acoustics Lecture
Full Sail Center for Recording Arts, Orlando, Fl
- 11/90 Guest Panelist - Noise Problems in the City
WNYC TV Live Broadcast
- 7/85 Speaker/Panelist: Control Room Design
NY Section AES
- 6/84 Guest Lecturer: Recording Studio Design
Boston Audio Society
- 6/83 Guest Lecturer: Acoustical Tests
Society of Professional Recording Studios (SPARS)
- 6/82 Control Room Re-Design
Mix Magazine
- 12/81 The Acoustilog GB-1 Console
db Magazine
- 11/81 The Atlantic Studios Project: An Update Report
db Magazine
- 2/81 Acoustics for a Chief Engineer
Radio World Magazine
- 11/80 A Simple Pulse tester for Acoustic Measurements
(PAPER) 1980 AES Convention
- 11/80 State of the Art Discotheque Sound Systems
Acoustics & System Design at New York's Paradise Garage
(TECH.PAPER) 1980 AES Convention
- 10/80 Acoustical Troubleshooting
db Magazine
- 8/79 Optimizing Control Room Reverberation
Recording Engineer/Producer Magazine
- 11/79 Acoustical Measurements
Lecture/AES Journal 10/80) NY AES Meeting
- 8/77 The Equalization Myth
db Magazine
- 6/77 A Portable Oscillator for Headphone Testing
db Magazine
Additional Articles With Quotes
- 12/21/2024 Ask Real Estate:
"The Gym in My Apartment Building Is SO LOUD! What Can I Do?"
by Jill Terreri Ramos
New York Times
- 8/20/2024 New York Today: New Yorkers Who Live Next to a Stadium Say They Can't Take It Anymore
By James Barron
New York Times
- 4/11/2022 My neighbor plays his music really loud and with lots of bass. What can I do?
By Alanna Schuhbach
Brick Underground
- Autumn 2021 The Gotham Cacophony
by Nicole Gelinas
City Journal
- 4/9/2021 Curbed:
"A Brooklyn Building Is Screeching. We Asked an Acoustician Why."
by Caroline Spivack
New York Magazine
- 11/28/2020 Ask Real Estate:
"My Neighbor's Dogs Are Driving Me Crazy. What Can I Do?"
by Ronda Kaysen
New York Times
- 7/4/2020 Ask Real Estate:
"What's the Best Way to Make a Noise Complaint Against My Neighbor?"
by Ronda Kaysen
New York Times
- 10/26/2019 Ask Real Estate:
"Noise Complaint: The Bar Downstairs Blasts Music All Night!"
by Ronda Kaysen
New York Times
- 6/29/2019 Ask Real Estate:
"My Downstairs Neighbor Is Driving Me Crazy"
by Ronda Kaysen
New York Times
- 3/9/2019 "Ask Real Estate: Can My Upstairs Neighbor Really Make This Much Noise? "
by Ronda Kaysen
New York Times
- January 2019 Stopping a Gym's Noise Interruption at a Television Studio
Adam Leiman Bailey, P.C.
- 12/27/2018 Style/Domains: "The Sound of Silence"
by Penelope Green
New York Times
- 9/23/2018 Mister Softee Music -
To some a delightful diversion, to others a noisy nuisance
by Zak Kostro
The Riverdale Press
- 7/19/2018 When it Comes to Lack of Noise Violations Against Bars, It’s All About that Bass
Bowery Boogie
- 7/19/2017 N.Y. / Region: "New York Becomes the City That Never Shuts Up"
by Winnie Hu
New York Times
- 4/8/2017 Ask Real Estate: "Noise Complaint: A Plague of Ice Cream Trucks"
by Ronda Kaysen
New York Times
- 2/22/2017 When a Neighboring Building Is Making Noise
- 2/18/2017 Ask Real Estate: "Noise Complaint: A Loud, Low-Frequency Hum"
by Ronda Kaysen
New York Times
- 2/2/2017 "Why you should prepare for noise issues when your neighbor renovates"
by J. C. Cohen
Brick Underground
- 12/3/2016 Ask Real Estate: "Can My Co-op Fine Me for Not Carpeting My Apartment?"
by Ronda Kaysen
New York Times
- 11/23/2016 AfterClass: "How to Soundproof Your Fitness Studio"
- 10/20/2016 Reality Bites: "Noisy construction vehicles are parking on my block and making my life miserable. What can I do?"
Brick Underground
- 10/2/2016 Ask Real Estate: "Construction Noise Complaints"
by Ronda Kaysen
New York Times
- 6/15/2016 740 Park Avenue Construction Noise Case
Two magazine articles detail the decision in favor of Acoustilog's client; limiting construction to specified times. Alan Fierstein of Acoustilog provided testimony to demonstrate the noise disturbance.
The Real Deal
Vanity Fair
- 5/28/2016 Ask Real Estate: "Nonstop Noise From a Neighbor's Place"
by Ronda Kaysen
New York Times
- 5/12/2016 Jersey City’s new noise ordinance could hamper bar scene
by Jeannette Josue
Hudson County View
- 3/19/2016 Ask Real Estate: "Can I Break My Lease Over Subway Noise?"
by Ronda Kaysen
New York Times
- 2/24/2016 Daily Intelligencer: DIY Soundproofing
by S. Jhoanna Robledo (Scroll down or seach for "DIY" in the article)
New York Magazine
- 12/19/2015 Ask Real Estate: "A Pianist Silenced"
by Ronda Kaysen
New York Times
- 12/11/2015 Soundproofing for New York Noise
by Roy Furchgott
New York Times
- 9/5/2015 Ask Real Estate: "When the Noisy Neighbor is a Church"
by Ronda Kaysen
New York Times
- 9/5/2015 Ask Real Estate: "Opera School Noise Complaints"
by Ronda Kaysen
New York Times
- 7/13/2015 "What's the Loudest Art Museum in New York?"
Crain's New York Business
also found at Bloomberg News
- 7/12/2014 Ask Real Estate: "The DJ Next Door"
by Ronda Kaysen
New York Times
- 6/28/2014 Ask Real Estate: "Neighbors Acting Like Frat Brothers"
by Ronda Kaysen
New York Times
- 4/1/2014 "Does Roseland Ballroom's Demise End the Era of the Manhattan Megaclub?"
The Village Voice
- 12/22/2013 Living With a Business Below
New York Times
- 12/18/2013 Fitness Facility Crosses Upstairs Neighbors
Chelsea Now Magazine
- 8/2012 The Sound and the Fury: A Look at Noise and Soundproofing
The Cooperator
- 4/10/2012 In NYC, quality-of-life complaints soaring, along with litigation
- 4/1/2012 "Sue Thy Neighbor"
The Real Deal: NY Real Estate News
- 12/13/2011 How to Find a Quiet Apartment
Brick Underground
also found at Business Insider
- 11/9/2011 Sound Levels of "Occupy Wall Street" Drumming
NY Daily News
- 8/2010 "Co-op 1, Obnoxious Bar 0"
Habitat Magazine
- 8/27/2010 "Noisy neighbors: Turning up the volume against the uproar next door"
NY Daily News
- 11/11/2009 Standard Rolls Lucky Number Six
by Scott Solish
Eater NY
- 7/08 "The Noise Children Make"
Also features an audio interview and slide show with Alan Fierstein
NY Times
- 7/08 "Getting a Handle on Apartment Noise"
NY Times
- 11/06 "Room to Improve": Residential Noise Problems
NY Times
- 4/06 "Now Hear This": Acoustic Tests of Bluetooth Headsets
Money Magazine
- 4/06 "After Harrowing Cat Rescue, Merchant Now Needs Help"
The Villager
- 4/06 "The Sound of Rescue"
Cat Fancy Magazine
- 4/06 "Lucky Molly's in the Lap of Luxury"
Alan Fierstein uses acoustic gear to locate cat trapped between buildings.
New York Post
- 05/05 Quiet on the Set (Soundproofing in Co-ops and Condos)
The Cooperator: Co-op & Condo Monthly
- 04/24/05 Big money, big speakers, big sound
The News Journal (Delaware)
- 2/11/2005 With all our costly appliances making noise
By Bradford McKee - Chicago Tribune
- 1/20/05 Is Your Refrigerator Running? So Where's the Chugga-Chugga?
New York Times
- 3/04 Sound & Fury at Time Warner Center
New York Post
- 2/04 For Musicians, Solid Walls Make Good Neighbors
New York Times
- 10/02 Noises Off: Avalon, New York
Club Systems International
- 10/02 Say What? It's Loud Outside
New York Daily News
- 4/01"Best of New York" Issue: Home Soundproofing
New York Magazine
- 6/00 "Sounds of Silence"
New York Post
- 1/00 "The Nature of Bass"
Bronx Bulletin
- 11/99 Noise Article, Author: Ethan Smith
New York Magazine
- 11/99 Nightlife '99: Nightclub Limbo
New York Magazine
- 4/98 Night Life (About the new China Club)
Sound & Video Contractor Magazine
- 3/97 "The Sounds of Silence-How You Can Soundproof your Home"
New York Family
By John S. Saladyga -
Orlando Sentinel/NY Newsday
- 12/95 "When Melody Creates Disharmony"-Featured Expert
New York Times
- 11/93 "Turn Down the Volume" - Acoustic Consultant
New York Times
- 11/92 "Noises In" - Acoustic Consultant
New York Magazine
- 9/92 Experience and Planning: Keys To Acoustician/Client Relationship
Pro Sound News
- 10/88 "A Little Piece of Quiet"
Vogue Magazine
- 3/22/84 "Silencing the Sounds of the City" -Featured Expert
New York Times
- 7/77 "Recording Man Hopes to Hear Sweet Sound of Success"
New York Times
